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Alexandra & Jacob's Wedding - St Wilfrid's Church, York & Hornington Manor

I was really looking forward to Alexandra & Jacob's wedding as I loved their wedding venue Hornington Manor. My day started at Hornington Manor with all the girly bridal preperations as well as some shots of the groom and his ushers before they headed off to St Wilfrid's Church in York. Leaving just before the bride to head to the church and getting stuck in the York city centre traffic meant I arrived literally seconds before the bride; just in time to get some shots of her arriving before dashing inside ready for her entrance. After the ceremony everyone headed to Deans Park in York for some photos before the guests all piled onto a bus back to Hornington Manor, while Alexandra and Jacob had their couple portraits in the park and by the West doors of York Minster. The rest of the day back at Hornington Manor was full of love and laughter and the evening ended with a great Ceili band and lots of dancing! Thank you Alexandra & Jacob for having me! Here are some previews from their fantastic day...


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